Ocean Energy Reliability Workshop to be held at EWTEC

Date: 3 Sep 2019 - 15.30 - 19.00

Renaissance Hotel Mediterraneo, Via Ponte di Tappia 25, 80133, Napoli, Italy

You are invited to attend the Ocean Energy Reliability Workshop taking place at EWTEC 2019 in Italy.

The workshop is being jointly hosted by RiaSoR2 and MONITOR project partners and will share learnings from across the two reliability-focused projects to support the progression of wave and tidal energy.

Venue: Renaissance Hotel Mediterraneo, Via Ponte di Tappia 25, 80133, Napoli (600 metres from EWTEC venue).

RSVP: Email carly.tait@emec.org.uk to book your place. Registration is free, however spaces are limited.

Please find the agenda below or download your invitation here

15.30 – 16.00
(30 min)
Introduction and overview of MONITOR and RiaSoR2 projects.
VMEA importance to reliability.

Michael Togneri (MONITOR)
Johannes Huffmeier &
Pär Johannesson (RiaSoR2)
16.00 – 17.30
(90 min)

Demonstrating monitoring of wave energy converters:

• Monitoring framework
• Quantification of load uncertainties in the design process of a WEC
• Reliability assessments
• Monitoring system
• Training package

Mathias Johanson
Mairead Atcheson
Pär Johannesson
August von Hacht
Charlotte Strang-Moran

17.30 – 18.00
(30 min)


Break – refreshments provided

18.00 – 19.00

(60 min)


Multi-model investigation of tidal energy converter reliability:

• Computer modelling
• Lab modelling
• At sea testing

Michael Togneri
Grégory Pinon
André Pacheco

All-Energy 2016

Date: 4 May 2016 - 12:00pm

SECC, Glasgow

Vicky Coy from the Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult will discuss the ‘Reliability in a Sea of Risk (RiaSoR) project’ in the Wave and Tidal Seminar Theatre at 1510 on both days of the All-Energy conference.

For further information on the conference visit: All-Energy 2016

Marine Energy Technology Symposium (METS)

Date: 26 Apr 2016 - 12:00pm

Capital Hilton, Washington DC, USA

Elaine Buck, EMEC’s Technical Business Development Manager, is attending the Marine Energy Technology Symposium (METS) in Washington DC, 25-27 April 2016.

If you would like to set up a meeting with Elaine, please contact: info@emec.org.uk

Poster presentations

Elaine is presenting two posters in Session 7E on Tuesday 26th April (16:15-17:30):

RiaSoR Workshop: Reliability methodologies training

Date: 1 Dec 2016 - 12:00pm

Technology & Innovation Centre, University of Strathclyde, 99 George St, Glasgow, G1 1RD UK

The RiaSoR (Reliability in a Sea of Risk) project partners would like to invite you to attend a free educational workshop to update you on the outcomes of the RiaSoR project and provide training on the benefits and use of the newly developed reliability methodologies for marine energy developers.

The methodology

Safety levels are a requirement for all critical systems, sub-systems and device components. However, the ocean energy industry is currently designing to standards required for oil and gas industry safety levels. This conservative design practice is based on the uncertainties present between environment (loads) and structural fatigue. The RiaSoR project will demonstrate, through the use of Variation Mode and Effect Analysis (VMEA) methodology and Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA), how design, electrical and structural engineers can identify, quantify and improve design uncertainties. By applying VMEA, a balanced design safety level can ultimately be obtained, reducing design budgets and development lead times.

Who should attend?

The RiaSoR educational workshop has been established to transfer skills in reliability analysis to wave and tidal energy developers, particularly technical engineers and technical decision makers. However, the workshop is open to all interested parties to attend.

Why attend?

The ultimate goal is to ensure that the practical methodologies developed in the project are incorporated by industry and make a lasting impact to reduce structural, subsystem and component design uncertainties. The key benefits of attending this free workshop are:
• Learn first-hand how to improve reliability in the design of your devices and test programmes;
• Interactive application of VMEA analysis tool;
• Collaborative discussion on reliability areas to be focused on for more detailed analysis;
• Update on RiaSoR 2 proposal.

How to register:

This workshop is free to attend, but registration is essential.

Registration closed on Friday 11th November 2016.


Day 1: Wednesday 30th November 2016 (12:00-17:30)

12:00 – Lunch and registration

13:00 – VMEA framework
– Introduction on reliability and robustness
– The VMEA concept
– VMEA in different development phases with examples (basic, enhanced and probabilistic)

15:00 – Coffee break

15:30 – Exercises on VMEA
– Work on VMEA assignment
– Presentation and discussion of results

17:15 – Wrap up and summary


Day 2: Thursday 1st December 2016 (08:00-13:30)

08:00 – Arrival

08:30 – Case study: Moorings and foundations
– The EMEC case study
– Questions and discussion

09:30 – Coffee break

10:00 – Case study: Structural component
– VMEA on ‘CorPower piston rod’
– Questions and discussion

11:00 – Case study: Electrical component
– VMEA on ‘Power converter with IGBT module’
– Questions and discussion

12:00 – Summary and conclusion

Agenda as at 16/11/16

The RiaSoR project is funded by the Ocean Energy European Research Area Network (OCEANERA-NET) First Joint Call 2014, in association with Scottish Enterprise, InnovateUK and Swedish Energy Agency.